Katie Holmes Nightmare Begins

I would love to see what the pre-nup between Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise looks like, because were it not for his empire of Scientology lawyers, she would soon be scooping up her daughter Suri and running for the hills.

News is that Suri is about to begin her schooling at age three. School at age three? That's no so bad you say. OK... let me rephrase it. School of Scientology. Yes, the very one based on the oddball science-fiction writer L Ron Hubbard. Read one of his books and you'll understand; that is if you can get through one.

Suri is to begin a five day a week regimen at New Village Academy in L.A.. It opened last year with the help of Tom Cruise's good friend Wil Smith. You have to wonder why such talented actors can be duped into this scam. Which in itself is OK, a fool and his money are soon parted. But when it affects innocent people like a young child being brainwashed... you just come to realize how anything in this world is possible. So begins Suri's end. So begins the nightmare for Katie Holmes where she can't raise a family or be a mother. She can only stand by while others indoctrinate her child into a belief system established by a failed writer who created a religious pyramid scheme we should all be envious of.

Suri's life is pre-planned. Add her schooling to her already ordained eating habits of low-carb, low-sodium, low-sugar organic diet. Honestly, I think that is a great, but if a religion is based on science, where the hell is the religion? So ends the life of Suri. She had three good years. I wonder if Katie had any? You'd think the only choice Katie has is to walk out, leave the child and start again. Because if she wants out now with the child, her life from here forward will be a nightmare.

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