I'm taking a break on the
Getaways Guest Blog Series this week, but check back here next Thursday to hear all about another fab blogger's vacation faves. So let's talk
Sex and The City 2 instead.
First let me say that I didn't love the first movie. I was so happy with the way the series ended (unlike some TV shows that left us with a bunch of loose ends--
Lost, I'm talking to you) that I was really worried that a movie would just sour it. I like a happy ending, I want these girls to be happy, and I'm always afraid another movie might decide to ruin all that. Even though I was apprehensive I couldn't stay away. I mean, aside from the fact that seeing the movie with friends is a great bonding experience, I couldn't pass up the chance to spend another few hours with these characters.
{These glittery gold Louboutins should really be mine}
And, sure, I've heard the
SATC criticisms. The girls are materialistic and flighty. No one bakes with their kids wearing vintage Valentino, etc., etc. Thing is, a movie filled with shoes and hundreds of thousands dollars worth of clothes? There is no way I'm resisting that, product placement be damned. I read something like Carrie changed outfits every three minutes in the movie and, let me tell you, it was
Add to that the beautiful interiors (Carrie admits that she'd recently been "cheating on fashion with furniture") and I was sold, regardless of plot. Charlotte's
white kitchen? I want it to be mine and was thinking of something similar for the new house.
Thing is, I liked this movie. Carrie and Big seem to be stuck in a watch-too-much-TV two-year marriage rut. Charlotte is struggling because even though all she ever wanted was a family they are now proceeding to drive her crazy (and, as she acknowledges, she has help!) Miranda is trying to strike a good work-life balance while dealing with a misogynist boss, while Samantha is fifty, fabulous, and suffering through menopause. Harry and Steve are awesome as always even if their roles are small. I don't want to give too much away, but Big surprised me. Not in a bad way. I think one of the most touching parts of the movie was the little tête-à -tête mommies Charlotte and Miranda have over a few cocktails. The only thing that
really grated on me were all the bad puns and innuendos--girls, consider this an interfriendtion, it's got to stop.
I don't know what it says about me, that I can disagree with so many critics, but there it is.
Have you seen the movie? If so, what did you think? If not, do you plan to? And check out these great ideas for a
SATC 2 themed party.
Speaking of all things fab and fashion check out Marchesa's new line of
handbags, which just recently went on sale.
Hop on over to check out my Movie of my Life blog post. I love the concept of this series and was so happy to be asked to participate. I can't wait to read the answers of the other guest bloggers that Alaina has lined up, I just know they are going to be amazing!