Vick Back in the NFL

Michael Vick former QB star of the Atlanta Falcons has been reinstated to the NFL at the age of 29. What you say? Wasn't he supposed to be a suspended free agent? You may recall the NFL's commissioner Goodell held Vick's conviction of cruelty to animals over his head. Goodell arbitrarily refused to reinstate Vick 'indefinitely' as the NFL had no official position on Vick's right to play.

Commissioner Goodell's position was, "He’s going to have to demonstrate to the larger community, not just to the NFL community and me, that he has remorse for what he did and he recognizes the mistakes that he made."

That position has suddenly changed in light of the fact Vick could go to the UFL. You see, Vick needs the money and is not getting any younger. Vick's sudden removal from football and incarceration left him 4 million in debt even after liquidation of all his assets.

The NFL needs Vick as he is a big draw. The reality is the NFL is driven by the almighty dollar and the only reason they did not reinstate him sooner is because the stigma of his brutal dog treatment is not yet forgotten. Public opinion of Vick is still negative among anyone outside of football. Speaking of reality, football fans want him back. The NFL knows they have to strike while the iron is hot and fearing they could lose Vick to another league, they have characterized their reinstatement of Vick as "conditional". This is to appease anyone that still feels Vick needs to pay a price to the football gods and not just the law of the land.

Here are the conditions: If a team picks him up, Vick may participate in any activities other than games. This allows him to practice and essentially join a team and be ready when football season comes around. He has to sit out until week six. The conditions in realty are a six game suspension.

Vick has humbled himself and responded to the NFL's announcement, "... I want to thank the commissioner for the chance to return to the game I love and the opportunity to become an example of positive change."

Some NFL players have already weighed in on the issue and demanding that Vick be 'unconditionally' reinstated. Players like Terrell Owens are petitioning other players to pressure the league to allow Vick to play as soon as opening day arguing that the NFL has no right to keep Vick out of Football so why arbitrarily keep him out until week six?


Arizona Cardinals Defensive End Chad Ochocinco: "Six more games after two years, construction work? O etc... Enough is enough!"


Meanwhile reaction from those on the animal side such as PETA released a statement: "He has served his reduced sentence, but no child should ever look up to Vick as a role model. ... We are going to watch him like a hawk. In the meantime, we'd like to see the NFL add 'cruelty to animals' to its personal-conduct policy as an offense that won't be tolerated."

It's clear Vick has some short term baggage. If he can still play and keeps his nose out of trouble, he may yet rescue his life from financial ruin and he may even win over his critics.
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