Lost Wednesdays: Happily Ever After


This episode was meh for me. I love Desmond, I love Desmond-Penny, and I liked seeing some bleeding between the two realities (and getting pseudo confirmation from Daniel that it was the bomb that caused the split). Ditto spooky Eloise. Thing is I'm over Charlie and Daniel and Claire, and all the love stuff felt kind of syurpy and heavy handed. I guess only a near death experience allowed Charlie to remember his oh-so-amazing relationship with Claire? And, by extension, Charlie figures what better way for Desmond to see he is NOT crazy than to drive Desmond's car off the pier. Right. Makes perfect sense.

I did like the moment in the water with Charlie's hand and Desmond meeting Penny at the stadium where he had originally encountered Jack. (Prophetic words about seeing Jack in another life, brother.) So I guess Eloise has always known what is going on and she's still stressing that "whatever happened, happened." Weird to see Widmore as the doting family man. I also wonder who Penny's mother is (do we know this?) and why her last name in the parallel universe is Milton?  I guess now we have another philosopher in the mix.

Boat and Scales: Widmore's Interesting Art

Weird, but when there was a close up of Desmond's eyes in the hospital I actually thought they were Jack's. And good to see Minkowski from the freighter as George the Driver.

I wonder if Widmore and Des will finally be friends if Desmond does save the island?

So if remembering someone they loved was enough to make Des, Charlie and Daniel remember the island what does that say about Sawyer meeting Kate and seemingly not remembering anything? I guess we'll have to see if Juliet brings it all back for him? *fingers crossed*

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