
Thank you so much to Simply Luxurious for bestowing this Socialite Crown Blog Award on me. I feel so glam and appreciated! Simply Luxurious always has beautiful thoughts, quotes and photos to share and I really appreciate this coming from her.

1. Who is your style icon  I admire so many people's style, from Jackie O. and Gwyneth Paltrow to Leah Lezark, Miroslava Duma and Olivia Palermo. 

2.  What is your favorite socialite lit book? Does Gossip Girl count?

3. Favorite party theme?  I guess it really depends on the party. The last party I threw had a peacock theme. Candles, flowers, good food and good friends are the most important things.

4. Go to Halloween costume?  50s girl with poodle skirt.

5. Extravagance you cannot live without? Mani-pedis, massages and facials.

6. Living person you admire? My father.

7. Greatest Fear?  Losing the people I love. I'm also deathly afraid of heights and snakes.

8. Trait you deplore in yourself? I worry a lot. A. LOT.

9. Which talent would you most like to have? So many…I would like to be able to eat anything I want without gaining an ounce. I'd like to sing and dance better than I do.

10. Greatest Achievement?  Jeez…I guess I'd have to say my relationships. Sounds cheesy but nothing else I've achieved would matter without the people in my life.

I would like to pass this crown onto: 

Audrey Allure

Miss. Neira

Just Remember To:
1. Display the award and link to the person who gave it to you.
2. Add your answers to the questions.
3. Pass it on!

What do you think about the new Hermès Toolbox bag?

Twitpic via Vogue Paris

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