Rebooting Superman - Again?

Word is the Wachowski Brothers MAY take the helm of the next SuperMan film. The Brothers second unit director James McTeigue is also on board. However someone may need to remind the crew that bullet time photography in film has already be replicated in a SuperMan movie based on their Matrix film technique. Superman needs more than a good director. What it needs is a good story. And sadly Warner Brothers wants to reboot it. Just like Hulk.

What bothers me as I think it may bother you too is that why do we keep rebooting franchises? We all know how SuperMan came about. We know the origin of Batman and re-origin of Batman and Ironman, The Fantastic Four, Punisher, Catwoman, Spider-Man and god knows we know the orgin of The Hulk! Did I miss anyone?

Some of these origin stories were so bad, the franchise was killed.

Why does Hollywood keep beating us over the head with reboots? Just move the story forward please! Take for instance Hellboy. The origin of Hellboy was OK. But the second Hellboy film was a fun ride. My message to Hollywood, "Please give us a story now! Take us on a fun ride!" Origin plots are wearing out the genre of superhero films.

The logic behind the reboot? DC is taking Marvel's recent tack, to develop one character at a time in their own story slowly tying them together. This was all started in the Spider-Man franchise where characters were introduced as cameos early and eventually played prominent roles.

Dispite bringing on big name directors such as the Wachowski Brothers, Warner Brothers have failed to figure out how to consistently make a good franchise work because they think one dimensionally. A Wall Street Journal article points out this flaw by WB Pictures Group President Jeff Robinov:

Like the recent Batman sequel -- which has become the highest-grossing film of the year thus far -- Mr. Robinov wants his next pack of superhero movies to be bathed in the same brooding tone as "The Dark Knight." Creatively, he sees exploring the evil side to characters as the key to unlocking some of Warner Bros.' DC properties. "We're going to try to go dark to the extent that the characters allow it," he says. That goes for the company's Superman franchise as well.

This is rediculous. Superman is not brooding and dark. Nor is Wonder Woman. Sadly we will be getting orgin films from DC on: Flash, Green Arrow, Green Lantern and Wonder Woman. Rather than just focus on the human frailties, Warner Brothers is going to give us Batman the Dark Knight versions of SuperMan, Wonder Woman and others?

This certainly puts a nail in the coffin for now on any Batman vs SuperMan match up.
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