Book of the Week: J'Adore New York

Isabelle Laflèche's J'Adore New York bills itself as "a novel of haute couture and the corner office," so, naturally, I was immediately intrigued. I was also quite taken with the novel's beautiful cover art--very feminine and glam. The book opens with lawyer Catherine Lambert transferring from her firm's Paris office to the one in New York. Immediately Lambert finds herself in the deep end--on the partner track and inundated with work she deals with backstabbing colleagues, office politics, shady paramours and lecherous clients.  All in a day's work for Lambert, it seems.

Laflèche herself lived and and worked in Manhattan as a corporate attorney for six years (she now lives in Montreal) so the first-time author clearly knows her material. J'Adore New York is a quick, fast paced read and Lambert a likable protagonist, even if she is one of those French women who doesn't get fat despite a penchant for ravioli. When packing books for the beach this summer I would advise adding this one to the list.

Thank you to HarperCollinsCanada for the review copy.

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