Love It: Carla Reiter Necklace

Okay, so this Carla Reiter necklace, as seen on Gossip Girl, is a teensy bit out of my price range (at $5,800.00 its about $5,750.00 over budget) but I love it all the same. Apparently the necklace is made of oxidized and knitted silver and is dotted with diamonds and copper raisins (real ones) and, like, fairy dust or somesuch. Le sigh.


The necklace, along with the Yigal Azrouël dress that Serena wore on the season finale, would be just perfect for wedding season (not to mention that studded M.C.L. by Matthew Campbell Laurenza Cuff Bracelet). Don't you think? Blake is also on the cover of the June Vogue, and I started to think that I'm not really thrilled about that, but then I got distracted by the girl's legs. She has such a great body for clothes...and bikinis. 


And about the season finale can I just say: OMG. W.T.F.?! Georgina!! Chuck!!! (To this eloquent assessment of the episode I would also like to add that Jenny has to be the most annoying character in the show's history. Ever.) Can't wait for next season, especially when I heard this. Je t'aime.

Joannie Rochette pendants

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