Lost Wednesdays: What They Died For


"I thought that guy had a God complex before."

Oh, how I love Sawyer. And Miles when he made that "Are you sure this is a short cut?" comment after he, Ben and Richard had been walking in the jungle for three episodes. I am going to miss this show something fierce. Even though it usually reduces me to screaming, begging and occasionally throwing things, it has been a really great run regardless of how it ends. That said, I am really expecting them to bring it on Sunday and I can't wait.


I'm not at all surprised that Jack jumped at Jacob's job, but I wish Jacob would have been clearer in his explanations and instructions (even with the fire burning away he seemed reluctant to spill!) That said there were a lot of beautiful moments in the episode: Jack stitching up Kate on the beach at the beginning (talk about coming full circle) and Sawyer so pensive, it was moving. I guess it was nice that Jacob gave them a choice (and I thought the explanation of Kate's crossed out name was good - "it's just a chalk line in a cave"), although I'm not sure how they are supposed to take on NotLocke in Smoke Monster form. I suppose it all boils down to Desmond (where IS Desmond, anyway?), he seems to be doing a pretty good job getting everyone together off island, too. That is going to be some concert.


Ben thoroughly entertained me, as always, and in this episode he did so both on island and off. I can't believe that he and Rousseau had sparks! And he totally killed Widmore! I'm thinking Richard's not dead, he'll probably swing in at an appropriate time to help save the day. There has to be some benefit to being an ageless immortal.


Okay, so two more hours. Aside from wanting to know all the mysteries of the island I would also like to find out what the deal is with Aaron (is he indeed special?) and who Jack's ex-wife is (Juliet, I presume?) What questions are you eager to have answered?

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